

Something we all would like to reach one day, right? But I don’t think it’s a destination, I think its moments that we experience. They only happen once, but they occur, and that occurrence is everything.

I don’t think it’s found in money. Some people get such a satisfaction from signing into their bank account to see the six digits on the screen and think that that is their everything. That they can’t live without it. They can’t buy those shoes without it. The car. The house. But you’ll find that people, more so celebrities who have money to blow, end up blowing their life. Drugs, alcohol, you name it, they become infatuated with their wealth and truly don’t know what else to DO with it. You could be the richest person on earth, but be miserable. Just as much as you can be someone who has nothing, but feel 100x happier than someone wealthy. But money isn’t success to me.

Success? I think it’s not just dreaming about a goal, but actually pursuing it. Meeting your goal and being able to say, ” I remember dreaming of where I am right now, at this moment.” I think it’s witnessing a good act on a day where you don’t see any. Whether that’s someone letting another person skip them in a line, to a person wishing you a good day when they have NO idea how yours has been going so far.  It’s being there when your sibling has that baby and seeing his/her face melt at the first sight of their deepest joy because you’ll never forget the conversations you used to have with them about that day. It’s quitting a crappy job with good pay for the one that makes you completely and totally happy. It’s deciding to do dinner with your parents after their long work week versus going out with your 24 year old friends. It’s calling the person who’s made you feel the absolute lowest and telling them you forgive them for no one else but yourself. It’s opening up your heart with someone and talking them through the most difficult time of their life. It’s standing up to someone who thinks you’re just a door mat. It’s having only $5 for lunch and deciding someone else’s stomach needs it more. It’s living this life with pure intentions and being present in moments like these, but more so- creating them. Don’t miss these. 

Everyone has their own version of success.  Just make sure yours is something you’ll never look a day behind you and say, “I wish I would have lived differently.” You don’t have to wait until you have your dream job to reach “success.” Success can happen every day. It’s how you choose to see it.



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